Practice with lateral number puzzles is one of the crucial ways to improve the ability of lateral thinking and brain power. The goal is to generate logical explanations for different numerical questions that otherwise appear to be illogical. In part because the mind principally works as a pattern-making, pattern-recognition and self-organizing system, it is important to train up each student’s lateral thinking skills, and especially so as we all possess a limited attention span available for task-orientation.
The learning objective for this module is to enhance students’ ability to generate alternative explanations, and thus to increase their working solution space. Most importantly, and together with an increased ease with numerical reasoning, each student will also develop an enhanced ability to overcome their own existing limitations which might otherwise limit the fuller application, and use, of their intelligence. As a result, this will also enhance the way students express their ideas and become able to provide a wider variety of creative solutions to problems, and generation of novel ideas.