Symbols and Grids

Signs and symbols are used in ways similar to those employed in the use of verbal or written language, and are typically comprised of visual or tactile iconic representations of the specific objects, events or experiences they come to represent. Grids (incl matrixes and tables) are external mnemonic representational devices which can serve as ‘containers’ of parcelled information which gather related lists of segregated or correlated information into externally organised, recognisable formats.

The learning objective for this module is to enhance each student’s ability to both create and readily identify a variety of iconic representational tools and devices for the purpose of optimizing both their communication and memory processes. Students will learn to verbally define, design and organise symbols, signs and other non-linguistic semiotic instruments. As students advance, they will come to transfer the products of their knowledge-seeking and organisation skills not only to represent their knowledge in multiple formats, but to also be capable of the representational re-description of that same knowledge using a variety of grid- and matrix-based solution spaces.