Baby Programmme

Baby Programme (Baby Impact®)

Unlike other baby training doing singing and bouncing, Baby Impact provides professional and systematic educational programs for 0 – 3 years old babies from sensory awareness, motor skills, to problem solving, and even social personal enhancement. We have strong commitments in training every baby to reach his or her full potential. Through a variety of stimulations, exposure and instructive trainings, every baby can receive a well-rounded development.

Learning Objectives:

To build a strong foundation with enhanced sensory awareness, motor skills, cognitive & learning abilities and social skills!

Who Should Attend?

Suitable for 7 months babies to 3 years old children

AQ Programme

AQ PROGRAMME (Think Impact®)

Our 21st century is flooded with advanced knowledge and concepts, and no longer will model answers be accepted. To succeed, it is crucial to develop strong critical thinking and reasoning powers to face the daily challenges and learn how to complete tasks productively. People who can think out of the box with multiple solutions will be a strong asset in future. Think Impact assists students in their learning ‘how’ to think more effectively and productively, aiming for higher grades and fun learning.

Learning Objectives

To enhance general studies and increase abilities of numerical and linguistic reasoning to achieve higher grades.

Training Modules

Think Impact® curriculum is led and designed by our management and research & development team. For details, please refer to our program modules.

Who Should Attend?

Suitable for 6-16 years old

IQEQ Programme


Many children are talented in so many ways. Some have extreme music talents, while others have great memory, good grades or creativity abilities. To fully foster our children’s potential, we must pay full attention to the early brain development and ensure its whole development in order to achieve greater overall accomplishment.

Beside enhancing on our children cognitive learning, socio-emotional skills are crucial for our children to develop as well especially in this 21st century.

Through a series of fun and interesting learning activities,  students will enhance both cognitive and socio-emotion development skills.


To enhance IQ, creativity, logic, language, focus and memory as well as to minimize any imbalances of the left and right brain.

To enhance self-esteem, anger management, anxiety coping skills, communication and problem solving skills.


The curriculum is led and designed by our management and research & development team, which includes 12 individual modules especially made to focus on children’s

IQ – creativity, logic, linguistics and memory skills.

EQ – leadership, time management and coping skills.

For details, please refer to our programme modules.


Suitable for 3-16 years old