
Jalynn has attended classes at People Impact since 2014 and we are happy to see how the activities conducted in the IQ/EQ programme has helped build up her cognitive and socio-emotional skills. She also possesses more confidence now as compared to previous. Other than the positive effects on Jalynn, we also appreciate the debrief session after each class where assessment and advice were provided as to how parents can better manage each child.

We are glad to have found this programme which targets both IQ/EQ development for Jalynn and appreciative of the friendly and passionate teachers at People Impact who truly cares for the children’s development and does not mind going to the extra mile to help parents enhance the children’s capabilities.

Thank you to Teacher CK and his team!

Gavin Yap Jun Yu

“Ever since my boy joins People Impact in June 2014, his English comprehension has improved a lot. He is able to relate the story better and his inferences skill is also getting better. Thanks to People Impact!” -2014

Lee Ray Hern

“The programme provides a good platform for Ray Hern to participate in activities that encourages him to be more confidence. He is now more confident to talk and do solo talk better.” -2014

Cayenne Neo

“It is really amazing that I could see the instant result after just one class. She becomes more sociable and more confident after each class. She enjoys the class very much. I would highly recommend to all my friends.” -2014

Joseph Ong

“Joseph enjoy his lesson at People Impact. He finds every lesson interesting and informative. He likes the hands-on activity and excursion. He enjoys making friends and share the differences in working towards a common goal. He also got many useful advice from Teacher Siau to handle those “teething issues” in school and that helps to make him a better person. He is now able to control his anger better and use suggestive words when necessary instead of rude words (example – The work F’ will replace by Flamingo). Thank you People Impact.” -2015

Kayden Chan

“Kayden joined People Impact since 2013. At that time, his visual spatial skills is accessed with a score of 70. He shows no interest in visual games like Lego or puzzles. People Impact has helped him to develop this area. The IQEQ programme not only helped Kayden to improve in areas that he is weak in, it also help him to enhance his strength. After 16-month under the programme, we can see a hugh change in Kayden. He is able to control his emotion and visual spatial skills has improved from 70 percentile in 2013 to 99.8 percentile in April 2015. We, as Kayden’s parents are very grateful to People Impact. We hope more parents will get to know People Impact as I believe the children will benefit from their programme. Once again, we would like to thank all the teachers and staff in People Impact.”1 -2015

Nathinee Wangwanchot

“People Impact offers experiential learning and two way open feedback system which I find the most effective program so far. Nathinee has been on the program for almost a year now and she always come out of class full of energy, joy and smile. The program provides her with a platform to learn not only in but also out of the classroom as teachers provide debrief and one on one with parents to highlight how and what areas to work on. She is now more confident in “shown and tell”, developed value system via various activities and is highly motivated in what she does. Thanks People Impact!” -2015

Teo Wan Ting

“It started as a “try-try” mentality when we are looking for an enrichment program for Wan Ting. Soon it became a weekend routine which our daughter never failed to remind us to bring her to the “Play House”. As parents, we are delighted to see our daughter has enjoyed every session and made good progress in her character building and interest in learning. We attribute this to the passion of the teachers and the effective methodology of the teaching from People Impact.” -2015

Charmaine Gwee

“As parents, we believed that at this young age, there are other specs that are more important than academic skills, such as moral values and confidence in oneself. Having Charmaine to try out this program 1 year ago, she became more disciplined, focused and confident. People Impact provides learning and guidance through play and in a more interesting form that keeps Charmaine looking forward to the class weekly.
The part which helped not just Charmaine but us, would be the weekly parents meeting with the teachers to know more about the strength and weakness of my own child. This allows us to know how we can mould Charmaine. Special thanks to Teacher CK for patiently guiding her in class.” -2015