
‘Good’ memory will often result from the use of pro-active selective forgetting, relatively ‘poor’ memory may occur as the result of weak initial encoding, or a lack of perceiving appropriate retrieval cues at the time of recollection. Other memory deficiencies may occur as a result of the passage of time and later experiences providing ‘stronger’ stimuli, and the generation of replacement activity within the same neural network(s) which might otherwise instantiate lasting memory activity.

The learning objective for this module is to enhance students’ ability to encode, store and recall salient information, personal experiences, and procedures experienced during their everyday life. Students will also learn to detect, synthesize, and associate the salient characteristics of related objects and events as may be discerned from different sensory modalities. These skills will then be combined in order to learn how better to use their multi-sensory memory faculties to recall objects, their relative locations and situational associations, across a wide variety of different contexts, using a variety of association mnemonics and techniques.